夏鵬 研究員
夏鵬 研究員
資        格 碩士生導(dǎo)師
所在部門 海岸帶科學(xué)與海洋發(fā)展戰(zhàn)略研究中心
郵        箱 pengxia@fio.org.cn
招生專業(yè) 環(huán)境科學(xué)
研究方向 濱海濕地碳循環(huán);海岸帶沉積環(huán)境演變



1) Xia Peng*, Meng Xianwei*, Li Zhen, Feng Aiping, Yin Ping, Zhang Yongqiang, 2015. Mangrove development and its response to environmental change in Yingluo Bay (SW China) during the last 150 years: Stable carbon isotopes and mangrove pollen. Organic Geochemistry, 85, 32-41.

2) XiaPeng*, MengXianwei*, ZhangYao, ZhangJun, Li Zhen, Wang Wanzhu, 2021.The potential of mangrove-derived organic matter in sediments for tracing mangrove development during the Holocene. Estuaries and Coasts, 2021, 44, 1020-1035.

3) Xia Peng*, Meng Xianwei, Yin Ping, Cao Zhimin, Wang Xiangqin, 2011. Eighty-year sedimentary record of heavy metal inputs in the intertidal sediments from the Nanliu River estuary, Beibu Gulf of South China Sea. Environmental Pollution, 159, 92-99.

4) Xia Peng*, Meng Xianwei, Feng Aiping, Yin Ping, Zhang Jun, Wang Xiangqin, 2012. Geochemical characteristics of heavy metals in coastal sediments from the northern Beibu Gulf (SW China): background levels and recent contamination. Environmental Earth Sciences, 66(5), 1337-1344.

5) Xia Peng, Meng Xianwei*, Li Zhen, Feng Aiping, 2017. Organic carbon isotope and pollen evidence for mangrove development and response to human activity in Guangxi (Southwest China) over the last 140 years. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 36(2), 11-21.

6) Xia Peng, Meng Xianwei*, Li Zhen,Zhi Pengyao, Zhao Mengwei, Wang Enkang, 2018. Late Holocene mangrove development and response to sea level change in the northwestern South China Sea. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 38(11), 111-120.

7) Xia Peng, Meng Xianwei*, Li Zhen, Feng Aiping, 2016. Sedimentary records of mangrove evolution during the past one hundred years based on stable carbon isotope and pollen evidences in Maowei, SW China. J. Ocean Univ. China., 15(3), 447-455.

8) Xia Peng, Meng Xianwei*, Feng Aiping, Yin Ping, Wang Xiangqin, Zhang Jun, 2012. 210Pb Chronology and Trace Metal Geochemistry in the Intertidal Sediment of Qinjiang River Estuary, China. J. Ocean Univ. China., 11(2), 165-173.

9) Meng Xianwei*, Xia Peng*, Li Zhen, Meng Dezhen, 2016. Mangrove degradation and response to anthropogenic disturbance in the Maowei Sea (SW China) since 1926 AD: Mangrove-derived OM and pollen. Organic Geochemistry, 98, 166-175.

10) Meng Xianwei*, Xia Peng*, Li Zhen, Meng Dezhen, 201. Mangrove Development and Its Response to Asian Monsoon in the Yingluo Bay (SW China) over the Last 2000 years. Estuaries and Coasts, 40, 540-552.

11) Meng Xianwei, Xia Peng*, Li Zhen, Liu Lejun, 2016. Mangrove forest degradation indicated by mangrove-derived organic matter in the Qinzhou Bay, Guangxi, China, and its response to the Asian monsoon during the Holocene climatic optimum. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 35(2), 95-100.

12) Meng Xianwei*, Xia Peng, Zheng Jun, Wang Xiangqin, 2011. Evolution of the East Asian monsoon and its response to uplift of the Tibetan Plateau since 1.8 Ma recorded by major elements in sediments of the South China Sea. Chinese Science Bulletin, 56(6), 547–551.

13) Zhang Yao, Meng Xianwei*, Bai Yazhi, Wang Xiangqin, Xia Peng*, Yang Gang, Zhu Zhiwei, Zhang Haitao, 2021. Sources and features of particulate organic matter in tropical small mountainous rivers (SW China) under the effects of anthropogenic activities. Ecological Indicators 125, 107471.

14) Zhang Yao, Meng Xianwei*, Xia Peng, Zhang Jun, Li Zhen, Wang Wanzhu, 2021. Spatiotemporal variations in the organic carbon accumulation rate in mangrove sediments from Yingluo Bay, tropical China, since 1900. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 40, 65–77.

15) Zhang Yao, Meng Xianwei*, Xia Peng*, Li Zhen, 2021. Response of Mangrove Development to Air Temperature Variation over the Past 3000 Years in Qinzhou Bay, Tropical China. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9, 678189.

16) Mengwei Zhao, Enkang Wang*, Peng Xia, Aiping Feng, Yuan Chi, Yonggen Sun. 2019. Distribution and pollution assessment of heavy metals in the intertidal zone environments of typical sea areas in China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 138, 397-406.

17) Jun Zhang, Xianwei Meng*, Peng Xia, Xiangqin Wang, Shan Gao. 2020. The potential of contribution of mangrove-derived organic matter in intertidal sediments as a proxy of mangrove development in the northern Beibu Gulf. ActaOceanologica Sinica, 39(12): 21–29.


1) 夏鵬,豐愛平,趙蒙維. 我國典型潮間帶表層沉積物物源分區(qū)及其質(zhì)量現(xiàn)狀. 科學(xué)出版社,2021.


   1) 2021.01-2022.12,自然資源部自然資源監(jiān)測專項課題:全國濱海濕地資源調(diào)查與評價(ZD0421003),120萬元,主持;

    2) 2020.01-2020.12 自然資源部自然資源監(jiān)測專項:遼河口海岸帶自然資源監(jiān)測(ZD0320001)。82萬元,主持。

    3) 2017.01-2019.12,中央級公益性科研院所基本科研業(yè)務(wù)費:廣西百年來典型紅樹林區(qū)有機碳埋藏通量:δ13CΔ14C聯(lián)合示蹤(2017Q03,40萬,主持。

    4) 2016.01-2019.12, 國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項目:近百年來廣西典型紅樹林區(qū)泥炭土崩解事件的有機碳埋藏通量示蹤及其對極端氣候事件和人類活動響應(yīng)(41576067,84萬,主持。

    5) 2014.01-2019.12,科技部基礎(chǔ)工作專項子課題:我國典型潮間帶表層沉積物質(zhì)量現(xiàn)狀調(diào)查(2014FY210600-02,81.5萬,主持。

    6) 2013.01-2015.12, 國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項目:廣西英羅灣中全新世以來紅樹林演變的沉積物有機碳同位素和孢粉記錄及其對氣候變化的響應(yīng)(41206057,29萬,主持。

    7) 2013.01-2014.12國家海洋局青年基金:英羅灣百年來紅樹林演變的沉積記錄及其對人類活動響應(yīng)(2013326,6萬,主持。

    8) 2012.01-2013.12,中央級公益性科研院所基本科研業(yè)務(wù)費:近百年來人類活動影響下廣西紅樹林生長發(fā)育的孢粉和穩(wěn)定碳同位素記錄(2012G18,20萬,主持。
