劉升發(fā) 研究員
劉升發(fā) 研究員
資        格 博士生導(dǎo)師
所在部門 海洋地質(zhì)研究室
郵        箱 liushengfa@fio.org.cn
招生專業(yè) 海洋地質(zhì)
研究方向 海洋沉積學(xué)



1. Wenjing Qi, Shengfa Liu, Xiaoyan Li, et al., 2024. Changes of sediment provenance driven by the sea level and Indian summer monsoon in the northern Ninetyeast Ridge over the past 50 kyr. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 260, 105953. (Corresponding author)

2. Lina Ai, Shengfa Liu, Shuai Cong, et al., 2024. Spatial variability of surface sediments in the Malacca strait and its implications for sedimentary environments. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 259, 105922. (Corresponding author)

3. Peng Cao, Shengfa Liu, Xisheng Fang, et al., 2024. Spatial and temporal distributions of clay minerals in the central Andaman Sea: Provenances and sedimentary processes over the last 42 kyr. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 259, 105895. (Corresponding author)

4. Shengfa Liu, Wenxing Ye, Hui Zhang, et al., 2023. Variability of thermocline temperature in the Bay of Bengal and its response to solar insolation and Indian monsoon over the last 15 kyr. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 610, 111361.

5. Shengfa Liu, Wenxing Ye, Hui Zhang, et al., 2023. Sediment provenances shift driven by sea level and Indian monsoon in the southern Bay of Bengal since the last glacial maximum. Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1106663.

6. Hui Zhang, Shengfa Liu, Peng Cao, et al., 2023. Chemical weathering patterns driven by solar insolation and Indian monsoon in the southern Bay of Bengal since the last glaciation. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 257, 105843. (Corresponding author)

7. Hui Zhang, Shengfa Liu, Peng Cao, et al., 2023. Geochemical records provide evidences for the evolution of the marine redox environment in the southwestern Sumatra waters over the past 35,000 years. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 255, 105759. (Corresponding author)

8. Jingrui Li, Shengfa Liu, Ashraf Ali Seddique, et al., 2023. Extraction of effective sedimentary signals from rivers in Bangladesh and their application in the Bay of Bengal. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 246, 105585. (Corresponding author)

9. Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, Kuo-Tsan Wong, et al., 2022. Synchronous millennial surface-stratified events with AMOC and tropic dynamic changes in the northeastern Indian Ocean over the past 42 ka. Quaternary Science Reviews 284, 107495.

10. Bailin Cong, Shuang Li, Shenghao Liu, Wenying Mi, Shengfa Liu, et al., 2022. Source and distribution of emerging and legacy persistent organic pollutants in the basins of eastern Indian Ocean. Environmental Science & Technology 56, 4199-4209. (Corresponding author)

11. Hui Zhang, Shengfa Liu, Lina Ai, et al., 2022. Distribution and assessment of heavy metal in sediments of Malacca Strait. Marine Pollution Bulletin 178, 113575. (Corresponding author)

12. Hui Zhang, Shengfa Liu, Kaikai Wu, et al., 2022. Evolution of sedimentary environment in the Gulf of Thailand since the last deglaciation. Quaternary International 629, 36-43. (Corresponding author)

13. Wenxing Ye, Shengfa Liu, Dejiang Fan, et al., 2022. Evolution of sediment provenances and transport processes in the central Bay of Bengal since the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary International 629, 27-35 (Corresponding author)

14. Shengfa Liu, Wenxing Ye, Peng Cao, et al., 2021. Paleoclimatic responses in the tropical Indian Ocean to regional monsoon and global climate change over the last 42 kyr. Marine Geology 438, 106542.

15. Shengfa Liu, Wenxing Ye, Min-Te Chen, et al., 2021. Millennial-scale variability of Indian summer monsoon during the last 42 kyr: Evidence based on foraminiferal Mg/Ca and oxygen isotope records from the central Bay of Bengal. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 562, 110112.

16. Shengfa Liu, Kaikai Wu, Jingrui Li, et al., 2021. Warming trend during millennial-scale cold events in the northern Indian Ocean and potential atmospheric CO2 forcing during the past 40 kyr. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 218, 104862.

17. Shengfa Liu, Hui Zhang, Peng Cao, et al., 2021. Paleoproductivity evolution in the northeastern Indian Ocean since the last glacial maximum: Evidence from biogenic silica variations. Deep-Sea Research I 175, 103591.

18. Hui Zhang, Shengfa Liu, Kaikai Wu, et al., 2021. Distribution and assessment of heavy metal contents in surface sediments of the western Sunda Shelf. Marine Pollution Bulletin 168, 112433. (Corresponding author)

19. Shengfa Liu, Jingrui Li, Hui Zhang, et al., 2020. Complex response of weathering intensity registered in the Andaman Sea sediments to the Indian Summer Monsoon over the last 40 kyr. Marine Geology 425, 106206.

20. Shengfa Liu, Hui Zhang, Xuefa Shi, et al., 2020. Reconstruction of monsoon evolution in southernmost Sumatra over the past 35 kyr and its response to northern hemisphere climate changes. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 7, 30.

21. Kaikai Wu, Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, et al., 2020. Distribution of rare earth elements in surface sediments of the western Sunda Shelf: Constraints from sedimentology and mineralogy. Continental Shelf Research 206, 104198. (Corresponding author)

22. Xingquan Sun, Shengfa Liu, Xisheng Fang, et al., 2020. Clay minerals of surface sediments from the lower Bengal Fan: Implications for provenance identification and transport processes. Geological Journal 55(9), 6038-6048. (Corresponding author)

23. Tao Liu, Shengfa Liu, Bin Wu, et al., 2020. Increase of organic carbon burial response to mangrove expansion in the Nanliu River estuary, South China Sea. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 7, 71. (Corresponding author)

24. Xingquan Sun, Shengfa Liu, Jingrui Li, et al., 2019. Major and trace element compositions of surface sedients from the lower Bengal Fan: Implications for provenance discrimination and sedimentary environment. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 184, 104000. (Corresponding author)

25. Kaikai Wu, Shengfa Liu, Selvaraj Kandasamy, et al., 2019. Grain-size effect on rare earth elements in Pahang River and Kelantan River, Peninsular Malaysia: Implications for sediment provenance in the southern South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research 189, 103977. (Corresponding author)

26.  Md Hafijur Rahaman Khan, Jianguo Liu, Shengfa Liu, et al., 2019. Clay mineral compositions in surface sediments of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river system of Bengal Basin, Bangladesh. Marine Geology 412, 27-36. (Corresponding author)

27. Shengfa Liu, Hui Zhang, Aimei Zhu, et al., 2019. Distribution of rare earth elements in surface sediments of the western Gulf of Thailand: Constraints from sedimentology and mineralogy. Quaternary International 527, 52-63.

28. Ziye Li, Min-Te Chen, Da-Cheng Lin, Houjie Wang, Xuefa Shi, Shengfa Liu, el al., 2018. Holocene surface hydroclimate changes in the Indo-Pacific warm pool. Quaternary International 482, 1-12. (Corresponding author)

29. Ziye Li, Min-Te Chen, Da-Cheng Lin, Xuefa Shi, Shengfa Liu, el al., 2018. Evidence of solar insolation and internal forcing of sea surface temperature changes in the eastern tropical Indian Ocean during the Holocene. Quaternary International 490, 1-9. (Corresponding author)

30. Shengfa Liu, Beibei Mi, Xisheng Fang, et al., 2017. A preliminary study of a sediment core drilled from the mud area on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: implications for paleoclimatic changes during the fast transgression period (13 ka BP-8 ka BP). Quaternary International 441, 35-50.

31Beibei Mi, Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, et al., 2017. A high resolution record of rare earth element compositional changes from the mud deposit on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: implications for paleoenvironmental changes. Quaternary International 447, 35-45. (Corresponding author)

32.  Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, Gang Yang, et al., 2016. Distribution of major and trace elements in surface sediments of the western Gulf of Thailand: Evidence for understanding modern sedimentation. Continental Shelf Research 117, 81-91.

33. Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, Gang Yang, et al., 2016. Concentration distribution and assessment of heavy metals in the surface sediments of the western Gulf of Thailand. Environmental Earth Sciences 75(4), 1-14.

34. Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, Xisheng Fang, et al., 2014. Spatial and temporal distributions of clay minerals in mud deposits on the inner shelf of the East China Sea: Implications for paleoenvironmental changes in the Holocene. Quaternary International 349, 270-279.

35. Shengfa Liu, Xuefa Shi, Yanguang Liu, et al., 2013. Holocene paleoclimatic reconstruction based on the mud deposit on the inner shelf of the East China Sea. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 69, 113-120.





3.2021, 海上絲綢之路關(guān)鍵海域底質(zhì)調(diào)查技術(shù)突破與應(yīng)用,青島市科技進(jìn)步二等獎,排名第1。

4.2019, 亞洲大陸邊緣底質(zhì)調(diào)查研究與發(fā)現(xiàn),海洋工程科學(xué)技術(shù)一等獎,排名第2。

5. 2016年,我國近海底質(zhì)調(diào)查與研究,海洋科學(xué)技術(shù)一等獎,排名第9

6. 2016年,中國陸緣海地質(zhì)環(huán)境演化,青島市自然科學(xué)一等獎,排名第5



1. 2012.1-2014.12  國家自然科學(xué)基金青年項(xiàng)目:東海周邊中小型河流物源端元識別及其對內(nèi)陸架泥質(zhì)體形成的貢獻(xiàn)(41106063),主持。

2. 2014.1-2017.12  國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項(xiàng)目:末次冰期以來安達(dá)曼海沉積記錄及其對印度季風(fēng)的響應(yīng)(41376074),主持。

3. 2017.1-2020.12  國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項(xiàng)目:末次冰消期以來東北印度洋大氣CO2濃度重建及其氣候效應(yīng)(41676054),主持。

4. 2022.1-2025.12  國家自然科學(xué)基金面上項(xiàng)目:末次冰期以來印度洋偶極子平均態(tài)演化歷史及其氣候效應(yīng)(42176089),主持。

5. 2013.1-2016.12 全球變化與海氣相互作用專項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目:東印度洋古氣候研究(GASI-GEOGE-06-03),主持。

6. 2016.1-2017.12 全球變化與海氣相互作用專項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目:東印度洋IND-CJ03區(qū)塊海底底質(zhì)和底棲生物調(diào)查(GASI-02-IND-CJ03),主持。

7. 2018.1-2020.12 全球變化與海氣相互作用專項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目:東印度洋底質(zhì)成果集成研究(GASI-JC-IND-DZ),主持。

8. 2019.1-2020.12 全球變化與海氣相互作用專項(xiàng)項(xiàng)目:東印度洋IND-CJ05區(qū)塊海洋底質(zhì)調(diào)查與研究(GASI-02-IND-CJ05),主持。

9. 2019.1-2020.12 全球變化與海氣相互作用專項(xiàng)二期項(xiàng)目:西印度洋WIND-CJ01區(qū)塊海底底質(zhì)和底棲生物調(diào)查(GASI-01-WIND-CJ01),主持。

10. 2020.1-2021.12 全球變化與海氣相互作用專項(xiàng)二期項(xiàng)目:西印度洋IND-CJ05區(qū)塊海洋底質(zhì)調(diào)查與研究(GASI-01-WIND-CJ05),主持。

11. 2015.1-2016.12 鰲山科技創(chuàng)新計劃項(xiàng)目:泰國灣-安達(dá)曼海海底環(huán)境調(diào)查研究(2015ASKJ03-01),主持。

12. 2021.1-2023.12 亞洲合作資金課題:中泰聯(lián)合實(shí)驗(yàn)室建設(shè)運(yùn)行WJ0921001),主持。

13. 2021.1-2021.12 亞洲合作資金課題:海洋地質(zhì)產(chǎn)品研制WJ0921011),主持。

14. 2022.1-2024.12 亞洲合作資金課題:沉積物風(fēng)化和輸運(yùn)過程WJ1022008),主持。
